Ninth RodCon to welcome pop culture lovers on UNI campus
Ninth RodCon to welcome pop culture lovers on UNI campus

CEDAR FALLS, Iowa – Embark on an immersive journey into the vibrant world of pop culture when UNI’s Rod Library hosts the ninth RodCon. This mini comic book convention promises a welcoming environment where enthusiasts unite to celebrate their shared passion of comics, heroes and the arts.
The event features guest speaker Shakyra Dunn, a voice actor, author and singer. Visitors can also enjoy artists, vendors, trivia competitions, costume contests and an array of activities including tabletop gaming, live-action role-playing, youth crafts and much more. Cedar Rapids Ultimate Super Heroes will also be in attendance and collecting donations for the Cedar Bend Humane Society. There is a wish list linked on the RodCon website.
Last year’s RodCon drew more than 3,100 attendees of all ages, who reported a wonderful experience. "I was really surprised, and it changed my opinion of what the event was,” said UNI student Lindsey Miller, who attended RodCon for the first time last year. “The vendors had lots of cool things that they made or were selling. There was something for everyone, and I had a fun day."
RodCon is free and open to the public, and will be held at UNI’s Rod Library on Saturday, April 6 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. For more information, visit RodCon’s website or follow Rod Library on Facebook for additional details.