Languages & Communications

Isaac Campbell

UNI welcomes Isaac Campbell, artist and alum, for Hearst Lecture

The University of Northern Iowa Department of Communication and Media will host guest speaker Isaac Campbell, UNI alum and nationally-known artist, as part of the Hearst Lecture Series.
Book in library with tree growing out of pages

UNI faculty demystify the novel writing process

Wondering how to write a novel? Get some insight from four University of Northern Iowa English professors.
Arta Berisha in Media and Power class

Journalism experience leads Kosovo native to UNI as Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence

UNI’s first-ever visiting Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence Arta Berisha is bringing her passion for combating misinformation in the media to UNI.
Kathy Bresnahan

Best-selling author Kathy Bresnahan to speak on UNI campus

Kathy Bresnahan, author of “The Miracle Season," will speak at UNI campus and give the keynote address at Fast Forward Digital Media workshop.
Students inside water treatment facility

UNI students tackle water quality in two languages

UNI students Cody Boozell’s advanced Spanish class are taking their learning beyond the classroom with hands-on experience at a local water treatment facility.
Gavik Kuruppu with cans of Coca-Cola Spiced at Essentials on UNI campus

Meet the first-ever international student to hold a Coca-Cola ambassadorship

Of the many things he's done at the University of Northern Iowa, Gavik Kuruppu will cherish his time as a Coca-Cola ambassador the most.
Students network with professionals at desks

UNI professor provides students “Next Step” into the real world

Most graduates entering the “real world” are left to figure out these things on their own… until now, thanks to the Next Step Program at UNI.
UNI campus in the summer

TESOL professional development events held in April

Learn about the Iowa Symposium on English Language Teaching and TESOL Club Conference