The history of Halloween dates back thousands of years, though its exact origins are often debated. While this holiday has evolved, many people are surprised to hear that costumes have always been a part of the celebration.
Halloween is the second-largest commercial holiday in the country, coming in second only to Christmas. No matter your major or interests, you could find an opportunity to haunt somewhere within an industry that supports Halloween.
During election season, people love to accuse the media of bias. Liberals and conservatives assail local and national newspapers, as well as various television newscasts, of tilting in one political direction or another. Since it is unlikely that a news source can be biased in both directions, many people’s perceptions must be erroneous.
College is an exciting time in your life, but don’t spend all four years merely enjoying it – you should take advantage of this time to determine exactly what you want to do with your life. This article will help you decide how to choose your college major that fits your long-term goals.
A path in accounting can lead almost anywhere. Just ask UNI accounting instructors and professors, who have diverse backgrounds in the industry. Here are just a few of them and their experiences.
In the past year, health care has become one of the most important industries throughout the world. As the pandemic grips the United States, hospitals and other health organizations have been thrust to the frontlines. But behind front-facing staff and heroes, like doctors, nurses and more, is the business side, like managers and executives.
Students who enter UNI’s business college come from all kinds of backgrounds. They might be a first-generation student or from an underrepresented group. Whatever the case, UNI’s Unpack program for business students, provides a crucial resource to guide them through the college journey.
When looking for a college to attend, many people are unsure of what to look for in a good school. Often they take into account a university’s reputation with peers, where it is located and if it has the major of their choice. However, while these are essential questions, there are other areas you should look into before committing to a particular college.
The Iowa Energy Center announced more than $800,000 in grant funding to two University of Northern Iowa projects working to boost energy efficiency in underserved rural areas and educate the next generation about career opportunities in an ever-evolving energy market.
The IEC awarded $418,696 to the Developing an Iowa Energy Curriculum for Secondary Classrooms project proposed by UNI’s Earth and Environmental Sciences department, which will develop and disseminate an energy curriculum for Iowa middle and high school students that incorporates career connections into each topic.
The COVID-19 epidemic has revealed that scammers are still alive and well. They nimbly offered nostrums to prevent or cure the virus to naïve buyers within a few weeks of the epidemic’s explosion. In doing so, the medical quacksters have lived up to their predecessors: let no health scare or new technology go to waste.