Wilson College of Business Stories & News

Group of Students Talking

Does your level of education impact your political views?

The Pew Research Center recently published a report indicating that a clear majority of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents (let's call them conservatives) believe that U.S.


Did Dr. Seuss peddle iris-ism in christmas tale?


Children’s leisure opportunities expanded across the twentieth century, but adults worried whether motion pictures, new genres of music, and television programs exerted pernicious effects upon children. There was cause for concern, as even well-meaning producers could sometimes send mixed messages.

Stack of Coins

Minimum wages and minimum ethics?

The current national minimum wage is $7.25. Many people claim that this is not a "living wage," although the reality is there are workers earning such a wage and sending money back home to their families. These workers endure unenviable lives, often living with four or six workers in a two-bedroom apartment and eating bland meals. The ethical issue is whether we have a duty to raise wages for low-wage workers.

Volkswagen logo

The Volkswagen scandal in not an ethical issue

You are most likely familiar with the most recent Volkswagen “ethics scandal,” in which VW engineers programmed computers in their diesel cars to detect emission tests. During the tests, the vehicles would alter their engine operations to meet legal emission standards. But under normal driving conditions, the cars released emissions into the air that were forty times the legal limit.

Competition Finalists

3 reasons case competitions are worth the time

When case competitions are mentioned, grueling work, endless hours of research, and erratic team dynamics are some of the images that might flash across your mind. While elements of this hard work may be present at times, it fails to do justice to all of the positives students can take away from being involved in such a large undertaking.