Alumni Stories & News

Joana Lwin

Opening hearts, opening doors

Joana Lwin’s journey has been anything but easy. Today, through her role as director of Refugee and Immigrant Youth Organization (RIYO) in Waterloo, Iowa, she hopes to take her experiences and pay it forward.
Charles Mhoon

Bridging the equity gap in higher education

If you would had asked Charles Mhoon,‘17, in high school where he’d be almost two decades later, he certainly wouldn’t have said working as an educational counselor at the University of Northern Iowa.
Valerie Jennings

Gaining ground and giving back

As a student at the University of Northern Iowa, Valerie Jennings, ‘01, had no idea what her future career would look like. What she did know, though, was that to gain a baseline for how to work with people from all backgrounds and personalities, she’d need to seek out classes and internships with an international focus.
Gary Roling headshot

Frequent donor Gary Roling steps up to name UNI’s JPEC Incubator Suite

Gary Roling has navigated a diverse career path, deeply influenced by his education at the Wilson College of Business. His journey inspired him to give back to UNI for 41 consecutive years, culminating in a significant contribution to the John Pappajohn Entrepreneurial Center.
Kelly Cunningham

Curiosity created a career in UX design for McDonald’s

Kelly Cunningham's many areas of study at UNI have helped her succeed as a UX designer, now working as a senior experience design lead for McDonald’s.
Bryce Hasselman and Derek R. Koppes holding Capstone Awards

UNI graduates among top scorers of CPA exam in Iowa

The Iowa Society of CPAs has honored two recent UNI graduates who achieved among the highest scores for the CPA exam in Iowa.
TC on float at Homecoming parade

Panthers on Parade: The official theme for the 2024 UNI Homecoming Parade

“Panthers on Parade” will take center stage as the theme of this year’s University of Northern Iowa homecoming parade on Oct. 26 in downtown Cedar Falls.
Brian Downing receives Educational Leadership Legacy Award

Principal Brian Downing receives Educational Leadership Legacy Award

Brian Downing, Okoboji High School principal, has received the 2024 UNI Educational Leadership Legacy Award.
The Fick family in UNI gear

Fick family pledges major contribution to UNI-Dome campaign

In honor of the family’s investment, the Ficks will be recognized with a premier named space in the new UNI-Dome facility.
Kaina Geetings on UNI campus

2024 UNI graduate leaves her mark on campus in a unique way

Recent UNI graduate Kaina Geetings has left her mark on UNI campus in the form of a custom spirit font she designed herself.