Politics & Justice

Campanile and central campus

UNI ranked top college for student voting

Once again, the University of Northern Iowa has made headlines for its high voting rate among students, proving the success of #PanthersVote.
Conference on Election Administration and Inegrity

UNI conference to discuss how to ensure trust and integrity in local elections

Local election officials will join scholars on American elections to participate in a conference at the University of Northern Iowa to explore a number of issues related to election administration and trust in elections.
WGS students studying

Program Highlight: Women's & Gender Studies, MA

UNI is home to dozens of innovative graduate programs, including the Women’s and Gender Studies MA. Founded in 1976 by Drs. Glenda Riley and Grace Ann Hovet, the program showcases the work of female and LGBTQ scholars, as well as educating students and the broader campus community on feminism, gender and sexuality, and related topics.

2021 Diversity Community Read: Caste

The Fall 2021 Diversity Community Read is Caste by Isabel Wilkerson. Discover more about the book and related activities on Rod Library's Digital Display.  
UNI art instructor Angela Waseskuk

Creating circles to heal

Angela Waseskuk was only in kindergarten, and the third grade boy had backed her up against a wall and was yelling in her face. Waseskuk was a shy child, trying to blend in as a South Korean brought to Iowa by her foster parents, who adopted her when she was 2. But she was out in the open and in tears as the boy hurled racial epithets. “What’s wrong with your face? Can you even see out of those eyes? Why don’t you go back where you came from?”
UNI campus

UNI's George Floyd Fund aims to be a catalyst for change

A gift from Robert and Annette Morden, both two-time graduates of UNI, supports campus initiatives that promote cultural acceptance, collaboration, awareness and education. Two new projects – a student-driven film from the theater department and an art project about Indigenous land rights – are underway with help from the fund.
UNI economics professor David Surdham.

Sports labor strikes in times of unrest: A conversation with David Surdam

When the Milwaukee Bucks refused to take the court for Game 5 of the NBA playoffs in protest of the police shooting of Jacob Blake, it sparked a wave of similar wildcat strikes across the NBA and MLB as athletes called for an end to police brutality.