We couldn't have done it without YOU! UNI ScholarWorks has reached 5 MILLION global downloads! This incredible achievement belongs to the entire UNI community: each college and discipline at UNI added to the total of 5 million downloads.
Mary Ann Bolton, class of 1970, never forgot the positive impact of her experience at UNI. After a long and impactful career in librarianship and many endeavors into supporting libraries, she looked back to her academic roots to explore a way to give back. In 2017, she worked with the library to establish an endowment with a specific interest in using her gift to support and recognize undergraduate students’ research projects.
Before she was in high school, Kira Manuel had actually never been to a college campus before. The first in her family to go to a four-year university, Manuel didn’t really know much about college – except that it was expensive.
A $1.1 million legacy gift by the late professor of social work, James McCullagh, will provide financial support for UNI students pursuing social work.
The Mary Ann Bolton Undergraduate Research Award recognizes and celebrates students who have completed undergraduate research. Those who have conducted research using library materials and are approved by a UNI faculty member or mentor can qualify. Full time students from any major must have completed a credit-bearing course or faculty mentored project. Projects must also be original work completed no earlier than spring of 2021.
Faculty, staff, students and alums from the University of Northern Iowa gathered at the Iowa State Capitol on Feb. 14 to celebrate the many ways UNI's programs, facilities and resources support the education of future generations, as well as industry and workforce needs across the state.